What we believe
We believe that God is a loving, forgiving God: a God of Grace. We cannot earn God’s favor by what we do, but God extends love and forgiveness to all for free. “Grace” is love un-earned, because we cannot, by our own power, earn it. Our thankful response to this Grace is being gracious to the world: by caring for it in many forms.
We believe that God came to us in flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus reached out to the people at the margins, without first checking their religion, nationality, or lifestyle. All who are in need are Children of God. Christ beckoned us to “follow him” in the same way.
As Lutherans, we lift up the Bible as containing God’s Holy Word. We read it with respect to literary, contextual, and historical criticism, and always through the eyes of the saving Gospel. We ask ourselves, “Does this passage increase my love and understanding of another person or persons the way Jesus showed us?” or “Does this passage increase my judgment and separation from another person or persons?” What does this mean? We ask questions and more questions, and we “live” the blessed questions which cause us to grow and change and see a glimpse of the Kingdom which is among us. We provide a safe place to be and to evolve as God calls. Come join us!
Grace Lutheran Church is an open and affirming congregation. We welcome and celebrate people of all races, cultures, ages, gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientations, abilities, and economic status into our ministry. We are committed to pursuing racial equity and social, economic, and environmental justice. We believe that we are called to love one another as God loves us. You are a unique and beloved child of God and wherever you are on your journey of faith, we welcome, love, and accept you just as you are.