Kids & Families

You have a place here.

Kids of all ages are welcome to participate in Sunday worship. At Grace, we welcome all kinds of families - and all the movement and sounds that come with them! We have a kids’ space right up front with a table, soft toys, books, and coloring supplies. We encourage kids to be curious about their faith, about what it is we do together on Sunday mornings, and about what that means for the rest of our week.

Sunday School

Sunday School meets from 9:15-9:50am in the Social Hall. We learn about God’s work in the world through stories, games, songs, and activities. Kids of all ages are welcome to join us - toddlers and up!

There will be NO Sunday School on Easter Sunday, April 20.

The Grace Kids Club

GKC meets once a month on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm in the downstairs classrooms. This group, for mid and upper elementary kids, meets to learn about God, eat pizza, and have lots of fun.

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…And more!

As our young disciples change and grow, so do the ways they engage faith. We offer First Communion class for those who wish to learn more about this sacrament in this way. We also offer Confirmation classes which provide young people a safe environment to learn about their faith and ask tough questions.

We believe having fun is one way we share God’s love and build community!